Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wordless Wednesday (almost)

Tomorrow night I will be here....

In the great city of.....

With my wonderful parents....

And my sister.....

While travelling with these three crazy dogs!

Mr. Bojangles (Merg's dog)

Shelby girl

Prissy Pants Hamilton

To celebrate Christmas!!!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Yummy treats....

First, let me start by saying that I am in much better spirits this week. I think watching my Love and Lovebug open their Christmas gifts from me on top of doing some Christmas baking helped push my blues away!!!!

Below is an A-Mazing recipe that I found last year (yes, I was living under a rock since this has been around forever). I actually remember when I worked in the pharmacy in CVS in high school that one of our customers brought us this treat and I LOVED it, but could never remember what it was. Well....last  year I found it!
Saltine Cracker Toffee!!!!!!

Amazing, you seriously must try this. It is a sweet salty combo that is ridiculously easy to make. I think in total I spent 30 minutes makes 2 batches of this stuff.

Here is the recipe:

40 ish saltine crackers
2 sticks of butter
1 cup brown sugar
2 cups chocolate chips

Preheat your oven to 400 degress. Line a cookie sheet with aluminum foil. Align your crackers in a single layer to cover the cookie sheet.
In a pot boil your butter and brown sugar. Once you have it boiling, let it boil for 3 minutes. Stir the whole time so it doesn't burn.
Next, pour this carmal/toffe mixture over your crackers and spread to evenly coat each cracker. Stick the pan in the oven for 5 minutes. It should get bubbly and hot.
Once out of the over, immediatly sprinkle the chocolate chips over the entire pan. I let mine sit for a minute or two after that. Then you can spread the chocolate to cover the entire pan.
Let sit for a few hours until the chocolate sets, then break into whatever size piece you would like.

Not my picture....I'm lazy sometimes :)
Warning: This stuff is addicting! Seriously. I've seen it called crack on a few sites.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Confessional Friday

I'm linking up with Leslie over at Blone Ambition today for her Confessional Fridays. 
  • Right about now most everyone and everything is getting on my last nerve....don't know if it's because I'm cranky or people are just annoying this time of year (probably both)
  •   I may or may not have had sweet tea and half of a chocolate orange around 9 o'clock this morning :)
  •  I truly really do love my friends, honestly I promise I do, but right now a couple may be part of my irritation
  • I spent most of yesterday at work goofing off and not working....whoops!
  • I'm officially the Grinch (or maybe Oscar the Grouch) whichever, and I am not too upset about it at the moment
  • Lately I could eat cheese dip and chips every night for dinner....yum!!!!
Hmmm....this list seems kinda negative, let's hope the weekend sweeps my grouchiness/blues away. It is Christmas and all

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Traditions

Every family has their own set of traditions for the holidays...these are mine.

Christmas Eve:
Growing up we went to the children's Christmas Eve service until we grew out of that and then we would go to the midnight service. The midnight service was my favorite because at the end we all lit candles, they turned out all of the lights, and we sang "Silent Night". It was the most magical and best way to bring in Christmas and the birth of Jesus. We've moved around a lot these past few years so we haven't  had a set church in awhile. This year however, since my parents moved back to their home town we will be going to the church my dad grew up in!
Then we went home, had ham biscuits for dinner, and opened the presents from each other

Christmas Day:
We've never had a "set" routine for Christmas Day. The biggest tradition is that my sister and I always sleep in the same bed Christmas Eve night. I believe this started when she was around 6 and "Santa" ended up bringing her bunk beds in her room so my parents convinced us to sleep in the same bed that night. Then it kind of just stuck! My sister and I would stay up late under the covers with flashlights playing cards until we fell asleep. Now we just wake up whenever and are lazy. We usually cook a big breakfast and now that my sister and I are older my mother fixes Poinsettias for us to drink (Cranberry juice and champagne).

Random Traditions:
  • We make sausage balls EVERY Christmas. To use it isn't Christmas until we have these.
  • My aunt used to always make my dad Martha Washington balls for Christmas. Since her passing I have taken over that tradition and have to have these every year.
  • Cokes in a glass bottle...enough said!
  • The It's a Wonderful Life village has to be put up before it is "officially" Christmas
This Christmas is going to be a little different from all of our others. My parents moved back to North Carolina so my sister and I will be travelling up there with our three dogs to spend Christmas with them. The thing I'm looking the most forward to is spending Christmas with my grandfather and great aunt. I can't remember the last time that I got to spend Christmas with them.

So there are some of our family traditions. What are some of yours?

My greatest weakness

Disclaimer- this is to no one in particular, just venting in general

So I have a major weakness, or flaw, in my personality. Some may disagree and say that it's a good thing the way that I am, but lately I would have to argue that.

My greatest weakness in life is that I am too nice.

I was rasied to follow the Golden Rule ~ "Do unto others as you would have done unto you"
I truely live and breathe by this. I treat others with respect and kindness and never shy away from helping them no matter what it may be. I have a major problem with saying "NO".

However, lately this has been a huge burden on me in that I feel like it is taken advantage of. Just because I will help you does not mean that you should come to me with EVERYTHING that you need. Yes, in part it is my fault because I don't say no. However, that is another flaw of mine that I know I need to work on. I just have this fear that I will dissapoint someone by saying no, therefore I try to always help. (Maybe I need some therapy to break this thought process)

I try to be the best at everything I do and therefore others see this and just assume that I will do things better than them. So, instead of sucking it up and doing things themselves, they ask me to help them. Again, this is partly my fault for not being able to say no, but come on people! How are you ever going to learn to do things if you constantly ask me to do them?!?!?!?

I pride myself on the fact that I am a nice person. I try not to be mean or cruel or rude or hateful towards others and am so glad to be who I am and that I was raised the way that I was. I just wish that others could look at things the way that I do and realize that life can't be lived by others doing everything for you.

I'm planning on 2012 to be a different year in many ways (more to come on that in another post), and one of those ways is going to be changing how others treat me and how I want to be treated. Wish me luck on that one!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Miscellanous Monday

  • Well...unfortunately the Walton Raiders did not win the State Championship on Saturday. They did play their very best and I am so proud to say that I am a Walton Alum
  • I spent 5 hours Christmas shopping on Saturday and still haven't finished :(
  • I'm sitting here drinking coconut water with mango dreaming that I'm on a tropical beach with no worries
  • I did a specific diet last January that helped kick start my weight loss...I've been thinking about doing it again after the holidays. I'm not having trouble maintaining my weight, but I am having trouble losing more weight. We'll see....
  • I've never had such a hard time buying Christmas presents before. Maybe it's because I'm trying to not spend too much money this year and therefore have less options? Maybe it's because I've really realized this year how pointless material things can be
  • The biggest thing I'm looking forward to about Christmas is my mom's(my dad has made them too) sausage balls! They are a Christmas tradition in my family and they are amazing! (definitely won't help the weight loss though)
  • I'm looking forward to the new year. Not my actual New Year's Eve plans, but to start fresh and have a new take on the year
  • Even though I'm looking forward to the new year, I am NOT looking forward to the birthday that comes with it. I hate my birthday!
Ok, I'll leave you with those for now. On to start this week and hope it goes by quickly. No plans for the week to look forward to so I'm guessing it will go by slowly. Happy Monday!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Way Down in the Valley....

Way down in the valley
I heard a great noise
It was the mighty mighty Raiders
Justa beatin' them boys....

I loved high school. I grew up in a small community where it felt like family. My senior year of high school our football team made it to regionals but didn't get to state. Well....come Saturday afternoon they will be playing the Grayson Rams for the title of state! I am so proud to be a Walton Raider Alum. I may have graduated almost 10 years ago (gasp!), but still feel the pride and am blessed to have gone to such an amazing school. GO RAIDERS!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bah Humbug!

I'm trying. Really really trying. My house is decorated. I'm drinking peppermint mocha creamer in my coffee. I have a Christmas themed desktop background on my work computer. I have Christmas music playing on Pandora. There are Mint M&Ms on my counter......but I can't get into the Christmas spirit!

I'm in a major funk. I don't want to do anything. I'm blah and no fun to be around :( I'm not really sure what brought this on. It could be work, could be the stress of Christmas, could be that I have a dreaded birthday coming up (yuck, I hate my birthdays!), who knows?

I usually love Christmas and being able to decorate. Especially since I have a house to decorate my own way this year, but alas, I'm not excited.

I'm in such a mood that I have no appetite (which isn't really such a sad thing, I still have lbs. to lose).

Who knows...... All I do know is that I'm just blah blah and more blah! So just call me the Grinch. Hope everyone else is feeling the Christmas spirit.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Miscellanous Monday

  • I killed a scorpion in my house this weekend. Yes, a scorpion. I'm hoping it was tucked away in a box that was kept in my parent's basement up in the mountains and I won't see one again
  • I can now only fall asleep if my wind/cricket sound machine app is playing on my iPhone
  • My favorite part of Christmas is buying Christmas tree smelling candles and car fresheners
  • I can't stand Walmart...I hate when I go to Target and then later remember I forgot something, so I stupidly decide to run across the street to Walmart. Never a good decision
  • I'm a bad fur momma sometimes. When Shelby doesn't want to come inside I have to bribe her with a "treat"...then I don't always give her that treat (she needs to lose weight), mean mean momma!
  • I've only bought 3 Christmas presents and have NO idea what to get anyone this year
  • I'm not at all in the Christmas spirit, but want to decorate more
  • I saw an awesome make-up tutorial about gold glitter eyeshadow and really want to try it, but don't know when or where I would wear it :(
That's all I've got, Happy Monday!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Back in September I decided to rent this amazing house in a neighborhood that I have LOVED for some time now. This house is perfect for me and my sister and our three dogs (yes, three, and one is almost 80 pounds!) I've finally got it looking almost like I want it to. Of course there are a few little things I still want to do (like draperies), but all in all it's ready and comfy cozy. I just took these pictres so you will see it decorated for Christmas as well. Enjoy!

 Looking from the kitchen
 Looking from the dining room
 The dining room

 My room from the hall
 My room from my bathroom
 Right side of the bathroom
 Left side of the bathroom
My huge closet!!!

I love living here and the area I'm in. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Confessional Friday

I'm linking up with Leslie over at A Blonde Ambition today
  • My temporary roommate bought Mint M&Ms, and every morning this week after feeding the dogs I have grabbed a few and eaten them on my way back up 5 in the morning!
  • I use my second sink in my bathroom as a clothing dumping ground
  • I love Christmas and all the decorations, but for some reason am not really looking forward to Christmas this year 
  • I haven't cleaned the huge garden tub in my bathroom ever...I've lived in my house since September (granted, I haven't used it yet either)
  • I read other blogs everyday, but am horrible at updating mine
  • Almost every article of clothing I own is from Target....
  • As much as I would love to have someone special in my the same time I've been by myself for so long, that I think it would be really strange and weird to have someone to lean on and depend on at all times, if that makes any sense??
 That's all I've got! I'm going to take pictures of the house this weekend, so look for that soon! Happy Friday :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Room to Breathe....

My oh life has been a whirlwind! Here goes my list of "excuses" for not updating. I'll try really really hard to keep up with this blog now that it looks like life is going to give me room to breathe

  • My parents decided to move into my grandmother's house (they own it) in North Carolina and make over the house. They officially moved there this past weekend. Moving them has been interesting. They like to put gray hairs on my head :) It is going to be weird having them live in a different state, but luckily I am extremely blessed that they raised me to be independent and able to take care of myself and I have wonderful friends and family friends that would help in an instant should I need it.
  • I found an AMAZING house to rent and moved in September. My sissy moved in with me in October and I am absolutely loving everything about the house and area I live. I love being able to decorate my own house and have things my way.(I'll do a separate post with pictures later)
  • Work has been crazy busy...all of our set trials were either settled or postponed for next year which is a good thing
  • B-Bop turned 7....that child needs to stop growing, seriously! I was busy the week before making his cute fish cake. The party was held at a wonderful farm in Canton and the kids got to go fishing.
  • It won't let me turn it for some reason, oh well!
Hmm...while that doesn't sound like much, it has truely taken up my life lately. We had a wonderful (but crazy with 5 dogs in the house) Thanksgiving at my house and my sister and I will be traveling to North Carolina for Christmas. I'm excited about the future and for life to get back into a "routine" of sorts. I promise to keep updating now that I can breathe again. Next post will be my awesome house!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Life has been crazy! This has been my last couple of months

  • Lake twice
  • Fourth of July
  • Crazy busy at work (ummmm 5 cases going to trial from here until December, that's insane!!!!)
  • Sister's Birthday
  • Seeing Transfomer's with the Sissy
  • Traveling to McDonough to see Harry Potter with the Bestie
  • Welcoming my "sister" back home (she and her hubby have moved back from NOLA, yeah!!!)
  • Tybee for a few days (absolutely my favorite place, even if the water isn't crystal clear or that the beaches are is by far my favorite beach)
  • Babysitting (speaking of those kids, the B-Bop started 1st GRADE today, CAN NOT BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!!
  • Dad having his FIFTH back surgery (although he's a really good patient, going to the hospital is exhausting)
  • Trying to find a house to rent
  • Deciding that my parent's need to move back to East Cobb (kinda excited about that)
  • Stressing about packing my crap and even MORE stressed about packing there's (with Mom's knee surgery earlier this year and Dad just having his back surgery I am determined for them to stay healthy, so no actual moving or heavy lifting for them!) And they have a ton of crap, hehe :)
Just insaneness (not really a word). I seriously cannot believe that it is August, and pretty much half way through August too! The rest of the year is going to fly by so fast I can hardly believe it.

Ok, the diet/life change.....well, with going to the beach, I decided I wasn't going to restrict myself and in doing so I gained a few pounds, BUT I've since lost them. I've been a lazy bum all summer though, and with it being SOOOOOO stinkin' hot, it's been hard to exercise. Luckily, I haven't really gained any, but I haven't lost any either. I've extened my deadline to the end of the year. I think losing 90 +/- pounds in a year is pretty good if I do say so. It will be great to start a new fresh year looking good :) I'm more than half way there and I know I can do it, I've just got to get back into a routine.

The next couple of weeks are cousin gets married in 2 weeks so we'll be heading up to Wilmington for that and seriously before you know it, it will be Christmas. I've got soooo much to do in the next couple of months so I'll really try to be better, but who knows :) Hope everyone is doing great and this weather isn't too unbearable for all. Stay wonderful!!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Random Thursday... it is, another 2 weeks since I've posted, surprise, surprise. Oh well :)

Update- 30 day Shred is getting loads better. I'm still have lots of trouble with the push ups. I think my body just wasn't made to do push ups. I actually haven't done the workout this week due to being, well, quite frankly, a little lazy (I know, I know I said I wasn't going to be, but I just haven't been motivated at all this week to do anything). I do plan to start back Sunday and I hope to progress to Level 2 next week. We'll see how it goes :)

-I have a cake/cupcakes to do for a 4 year olds birthday party on Saturday. It's a barn yard animal theme and I'm looking forward to it. I'll post pictures when I'm done.

-I'm loving this nail polish right now. I think it's the best summer time color. It's not too pink and not too red. It's called Jelly but I think of it as more watermelon.

-I'm also LOVING these pretzels. I eat a handful a day. I think they're best cold. I know, that's a little weird, but I like my peanut butter cold.

-I'm so excited my sissy is coming up to hang out tonight. I absolutely adore my little sis and LOVE to spend time with her. I can't wait until December when we get to live together again. Love you Merg!

-Speaking of sister. I can't wait to go see this movie with her. We love Transformers and have gone to all of the movies together. Only a few more weeks until it's out!

-Then I'm excited because Harry Potter will be in theaters. My bestie and I have gone to see all of these together. Woohoo, love me some Harry Potter (even though the books are so much better)

-In 1 month I will be laying on my favorite beach soaking up some sun. My family hasn't been on a family vacation since I was in high school, but this year we are taking the time and going to our favorite place, Tybee Island. When I was in high school it was a yearly tradition to go for a week during the summer. This trip will be a little different. My parents are going for the entire week. I won't be down until Tuesday night so I can work Monday and Tuesday and my sister will only be there from Monday to Thursday so she can work. The older we get, the harder it is to plan things around each others schedules, but I'm so looking forward to this getaway!

-I'm loving that I can wear linen pants now. It makes the day so much more comfortable

-I'm loving that it's summer, so I'm wearing my hair curly everyday. I'm hoping this will help with the growing department, since my hair has decided to be stubborn and take it's sweet time to grow out

-I'm loving that it's Thursday and tomorrow is the last day of the week. I've been in a funk this week and am ready for it to be over

Hope y'all are having a wonderful more day!!!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

30 Day Shred

Ok, so laziness is OVER! The month leading up to the wedding I took a break from my 5k training because I was so busy and then the past month I have been busy with unexpected things and laziness has set back in. more! I've got 40 more pounds to go and I am determined to get as close to that as possible before my cousin's wedding at the end of August.

I bought Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred months and months ago, but I don't have a ton of room in by bedroom to do the workout so I hadn't tried it until Tuesday night. My parents are out of town so I knew I would have the den to myself, so I moved the furniture around and popped in the DVD.

WOW!!!!! Totally kicked my butt! It's only 20 minutes and it is old school moves like jumping jacks, lunges, squats, jumping rope, boxing, push ups, etc. but boy oh boy was it more difficult than I thought. I am still incredibly sore today (which is a good and bad sign, right?). I took last night off so that my muscles could relax and I plan on doing it again tonight, even though my legs are still killing me.

So...the countdown begins, I have rougly 12 weeks to lose another 40 pounds. I won't be upset with myself if I don't quite reach that goal, but I want to work as close to it as possible. I'm really proud of myself so far, but I don't want to quit until I reach that ultimate goal. I know my body can do it because I've been there before and I WILL be there again :)

I do hope to hop back into my 5k training, however, it is unseasonably hot down here and the snakes are out in full force in the boonies so I'm nervous to run in my neck of the woods (almost literally). I'm thinking of buying a used treadmill and setting it up in my room (if I can convince my mother), then I would like to get back on board and train to run a 5k. We'll see how the next few weeks go. Alrighty...wish me luck tonight :)


Monday, May 30, 2011


In my last post I mentioned that the past few years have been somewhat difficult. I've been in a place where I haven't been truly happy. Being how I am, though, I have always tried to put on a happy face and just continue through life. Yet, deep down, I haven't been happy. I am not sure where it stems from, maybe it just built upon itself over the last few years.

This weekend changed all of that. After talking with my good friend Saturday and then just driving down old winding dirt roads with the windows down and music blaring, I realized...I am happy. Deep down, truly happy. Again, I can't pinpoint a reason why, but I just feel calm and at ease and blessed with my life. I feel like I have a purpose and that I am where God wants me to be right now. Sure, there are a few minor details that I wish were a little different (like my hour commute :), but overall, I can say that I am at ease with who I am and where I am.

I am looking forward to what the future holds, and I know that God has some amazing plans for my future and I can't wait to see what they are. Until, I'm going to enjoy the sunshine and driving down my dirt roads :)
View Image


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Oh what a life....

So...I started this blog to right my feelings down. I did a good job in the beginning of posting, then somehow I can to a wall. I just don't feel that I have much to say and honestly, in my personal life, I don't have much going on.

For the past couple of years that had been the case. My life is "boring". Not sleepy boring, and luckily there hasn't been any "turn your life upside down" events happen. It's just been an up and down flow of same ol same ol. I know that I really shouldn't complain. All in all, I am very lucky to have the life I do. I just want a little spice added, ya know?

The past couple of weeks I have felt at peace. I'm in a steady routine of waking up at the crack of dawn (4:45 am, people), getting ready for work, commuting an hour, working the same job, commuting an hour and a half home, eating, playing with my dogs, going to bed, and starting over. Sounds mundane, but lately I've felt ok with it all. I am officially in up to my eyes with my new job, and am surprisingly loving it. NEVER would I have thought I would be in the law field when I love teaching so very much. I do hope to one day give teaching another go, but as of right now, I really feel God is keeping me where I'm at.

I've worked really hard on accepting where God has put me in life up to now. I still have a few days where I will start having doubt and be upset that I am not at the place where I thought I would be, but I have to remind myself that everything truly happens for a reason. This verse is taped to my computer, and I read it constantly and remind myself that He really has a plan for me and if I continue to love and grow through Him, He will continue to point me in the path I was made to have.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6

I have found a new favorite song that I crank up in the car when I'm feeling a little down. If you haven't heard it, listen, and I'm sure it will make your day brighter.

Randy Houser- In God's Time
It's really amazing, and gives me an all over feeling of peace and calmness that I need.

This past month the south has been hit with storm after storm and it breaks my heart to hear of all of the people that have lost their lives during these terrifying tornadoes. We have been fortunate enough to have been spared in my immediate area of Georgia, but just an hour or so north was hit pretty hard a month ago. It brings things back into perpective quickly when you hear of all of those stories. Please keep everyone in your prayers during these difficult times. I know that they are all in a much better place, but it is hard for the loved ones left behind.

Also, my best friend's grandfather recently passed. In a way it was unexpected and again we all know that he is living with God and is no longer in pain, but his loved ones are left hurting and sad, please pray for this family as they lean on each other during this time.

This seem like a random post, but it's what's been on my mind lately. I hope that everyone has had a great week and have a fun and safe Memorial weekend.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Where do I start??????

Hello blog world, it's me!

Wow, this past month has been INSANE!!!!!! I have so much to cover, but don't want an extremely long here goes.

   My best friend got married almost three weeks ago. It was an amazing weekend. I enjoyed getting to spend some great quality time with her before she became a married woman.

Swan Coach House for the Bridal Luncheon

  She was the most beautiful bride EVER! I seriously was in awe of her. I cried through the whole ceremony, but was so happy that she was marrying her best friend (next to me of course me :)he he).


She's home now, and I miss seeing her almost every weekend. Guess it's time for a roadtrip to Macon :)

                         Lovebug's 2nd Birthday

My lovebug turned 2 on the 7th. We went to the zoo for her party. She was so adorable and knew it was all about her. She showed off her sassy walk and I think enjoyed herself. I have made every one of her brother's birthday cakes and now I'm making hers.

                                                       Pink Ballerina Hippo

Well, it's offical. I have a new position at work. Growing up I told myself time and time again that I NEVER wanted to do anything involving law. I have always found it boring. God has been laughing at me a lot lately. I started at my law firm as an in between job, until I could find another teaching job. Soon, a whole year had past and I was still there. I have now been promoted to Jr. Paralegal and at the moment it feels right to be where I am. So....until I hear from God otherwise, I'm in the law field. Crazy :)

This past weekend we had a major scare. One of my best friends was rushed to the hospital. I rushed to her house and stayed with her kids (my B-Bop and lovebug) for a couple of days. We were literally on a roller coaster ride. One day is was bad news, then good news, then bad news, so on and so on. I finally was able to see her later in the weekend. It always gives me goosebumps to see God's work in action. Numerous times we had a room full of people just praying over her, asking God to heal her or help us understand.

Our prayers were answered.

She was finally able to come home Sunday night after being in the hospital since Thursday. It ended up not being the extremely serious problem that we at once thought. She is doing a whole lot better and we are all so happy and blessed that she is ok. I love her dearly and hated seeing her in that position.

In a nut shell I think I have summed up everything that has been going on lately. Busy, busy, busy. Luckily it looks like things will be slowing down for a little while around here.

The next few weeks I'm going back to working hard to lose weight. I have lost 50 lbs. and want to lose another 40. So I started weight watchers and 5K training watch out, I'm coming for you!

Happy Hump Day!!!!!


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Soon to be Mrs. Kessler

This post is dedicated to my bestie!

J and I have known each other since we were 12. Gangly things in the horrors of middle school. We bonded over French :)

She is truly my best friend and has literally been through thick and thin with me. We were friends all through middle school and hung out in the same group the first couple of years of high school. To be honest though, those first few years in high school she annoyed me :). She was still my friend and we still had fun, but I was insanely jealous by how beautiful, outgoing, and incredibly smart she was. She had all of our guys friends falling at her feet and was a shameless flirt, even though I've come to realize that's just her being sweet to everyone. However, senior year arrives and our group has fizzled. She and I became fast friends and I have amazing memories of our times during senior year. Late nights at Caribou and Dunkin Donuts. Crazy drives down Peachtree Street blaring Britney Spears. Racing away from a party house after graduation in fear of the cops (even though we were complete goody goodies, just didn't want to get into any trouble).

College came and we moved two hours away from each other. A few months passed before we talked again, but soon our friendship grew even stronger. I honestly have to say that during college is when we became "best friends". Whenever she was home from school we always hung out.

Now, we're grown up and she is getting married. I adore her fiance and am so unbelievably thankful that she has found the perfect match for her. They love each other endlessly and will be so happy together. We've shared so many amazing memories together and I am looking forward to this weekend when I get to be a part of their wedding. Congratulations Bestie!!! I'm so happy for you and love you dearly :)


Monday, April 25, 2011

Miscellaneous Monday

It's a three day week for me!

-My best friend is getting married in 5 days. FIVE DAYS PEOPLE!!!!!!! Crazy.

-I'm on my own this week with my newish job. I officially move into my office Monday, but I have many tasks this week to accomplish since my mentor is on vacay.

-I had an awesome time with my loves Friday night. We ate Mexican, shopped at Kohls, laughed at the love bug :), then tried Menches for the first time. I got the coffee yogurt with no toppings (still trying to watch what I eat)

-Easter was quiet. I got a lot of deep spring cleaning done and enjoyed it. Then my sissy came for dinner which was the best way to end the day!

-I've gone on hiatus with the 5K. With this wedding and preparing for it, I've been really busy. So, starting May 2, 5K training is BACK on!!!! (I'm really looking forward to it)

-Bought my bestie's wedding present this past weekend. It was a find for sure. I think she'll love it!

-We're supposed to get some bad storms this week. Is it weird that I'm excited about them? Not about damage or people getting hurt, just the thunder and lightening. Growing up I thought about being a meteorologist and would LOVE to hunt tornadoes :) Yes, I'm a little odd.

-Luckily for the bride to be, Friday and Saturday are supposed to be GORGEOUS!! So glad too.

Hope everyone has a lovely week. I'll post about the wedding when I get the chance :)


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Daily Struggle...

Raw emotions coming up...take cover!

My best friend's wedding is rapidly approaching and I could not be happier for her. She is marrying an amazing guy would truly loves and adores her. I thank God that He put the two of them together.

I have three best friends. This is my last single one. I am now the only one left. This has been something very hard for me to deal with and even more so this year with J getting married and myself turning the big 25.

Growing up I always dreamed of one day getting married and having children. That's all I've ever wanted out of life for as long as I can remember. In high school I was the "mom" of our group. I even got Mom birthday cards. I was always the level headed one who looked out for everyone in our large group of friends. I loved every minute of it.

I had this picture in my head that I would either marry my high school sweeheart or meet an awesome guy in college, be engaged our senior year, and then get married right out of college.  Well, my high school sweetheart and I didn't last and I never met anyone in college.

Here I am, 25, with no aspects to speak of. Yes, I am healthy. Yes, I have a great job (especially since being promoted!). Yes, I have a loving family and amazing friends. But, at the end of the day, I want that fairytale. I want to be able to come home to someone who is my best friend. Don't get me wrong, I have my friends, but their spouses are their best friends.

I hear all the time that I am still young, but it's hard to see all of these girls that I went to high school with getting married. Now, some are having multiple babies. Ten years ago, if you had told me some of them would be married before me I would have laughed in your face. I guess because this has truly been my lifelong dream, it's just hard to swallow that others are living out my dream before me.

Here is my cross road. Here, publicly (well, sort of) I am vowing to NOT worry about it anymore. Worrying never solves anything and it certainly won't solve this. I know that God has a plan and, considering where I am working, it obviously isn't what I had planned.

So, I'll quit.

I follow Leslie over at A Blonde Ambition. The other day she posted about meeting her fiance and quoted an amazing verse.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Ever since reading this I have not been able to get it out of my head. It's exactly what I needed. I have printed it out and it is hanging right next to my computer so I can be reminded of God's amazing plan for me.
One day, I hope to look back and laugh at this post and tell my younger self to have hope. However, I don't know what the future holds. Only God does. All I can do is pray that my dreams come true. Until then, I'll continue to work on myself (down 45 pounds, woo hoo!), cherish my friends and family, and enjoy each day that God has given me. Who knows, maybe my prince is around the next corner :)


Thursday, April 7, 2011


Ok, prepare for rambling....

-Ummmmm, where did this week go? It seems like yesterday I was up half the night because of a horrible storm when reality it was four days ago. Something I always remember my mom saying when I was growing up "The older you get, the faster it goes". That is without a doubt correct. How is it Thursday? How is it already April? How is it that my best friend is getting married in THREE WEEKS!!!!!! It seriously seems like they just got engaged. Wowza.

-The bachelorette party is next weekend. Confession (even though I know the bride reads this), I haven't booked the limo yet :) Ooopppsss. Priority for this weekend-get that darn thing booked!

-Along with not having the limo yet, I still can't find a dress for that night. Having lost 40 something pounds recently has left me wanting a cuter dress than normal. However, I still have many more pounds to lose so I'm wanting something that will accentuate my waist but won't cling to my hips. I know what I would really like, but finding it has been the issue. Also, since it's about a week away, it's too late to order something. I'm sure I'll find something I'll be happy with and either way, as long as my bestie is unbelievably happy that weekend, that's all that will matter :)

-I started a new program to my workout routine. On my iPhone is an app called C25K (couch 2 5k). It is a 9 week program 3X a week that will train you to be able to run a 5K. I have NEVER been a runner, but have really wanted to be. It is the best exercise and I enjoy that peace when I am out on my walks now, so why not try to combine the two. Ha, funny note. I "started" the program yesterday but going the normal route that I walk. Ummm, yeah starting off running up all the hills I normally walk was not the best idea. I had to stop the program halfway, because I couldn't get up the last hill by running. So new game plan. I figured out a new route that is flatter and I will just officially start today.

-My bridesmaid dress came this week and I'm excited that 1)I ordered a smaller size than originally planned to and 2) it fit perfectly and doesn't need to be altered! However, after viewing pictures of myself in it, I realized that I still have a ways to go before I reach my ultimate weight loss/toning goal. My goal in terms of time, is to be where I want to be by my cousins wedding at the end of August. That gives me around 3 1/2 months to get my butt in gear.

Well, enough information overload. I'm looking forward to the last bridal shower this weekend and getting things together for next weekend. It is supposed to be beautiful the next couple of days and sunny days always put a smile on my face!


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Bake for a Cause

This weekend was JAM PACKED! I was busy busy busy.

The big thing I did this weekend was help Amanda from iambaker. A few weeks ago she announced that she would take nominations from people who would want cookies to help brighten some one's day. She received over 165 nominations and couldn't turn any of them down. So she called out for volunteers to help and I jumped on! Here are the cookies that I made this weekend.

I used Sugarbelle's Chocolate Roll Out Cookies recipe. They're really easy and taste like brownie cookies.

Cream the butter and sugar. Add eggs, vanilla, and dark corn syrup.

Next slowly add the dry ingredients.

While making the cookies, I also made some new baby cookies for my mom to take to a friend.

After piping the background.

The finished product. This was the first time that I tried brush embroidery and I LOVE it. I was super easy and really makes the cookies look fancy.

I added edible pearls for the centers of the flowers. Now, on to shipping them and hopefully putting a smile on a stranger's face :)

This weekend I also got to babysit my two favorite kids. I didn't realize how much I missed them and it will be another month before I see them again. With the wedding at the end of the month, my weekends are booked solid!

Today I got to celebrate with my bestie at her fiance's family's bridal shower. It was lovely and it warmed my heart to see how much they love her and make her a part of their family. 4 weeks until the wedding, woohooo!! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and have a fabulous week!
