Monday, December 12, 2011

Miscellanous Monday

  • Well...unfortunately the Walton Raiders did not win the State Championship on Saturday. They did play their very best and I am so proud to say that I am a Walton Alum
  • I spent 5 hours Christmas shopping on Saturday and still haven't finished :(
  • I'm sitting here drinking coconut water with mango dreaming that I'm on a tropical beach with no worries
  • I did a specific diet last January that helped kick start my weight loss...I've been thinking about doing it again after the holidays. I'm not having trouble maintaining my weight, but I am having trouble losing more weight. We'll see....
  • I've never had such a hard time buying Christmas presents before. Maybe it's because I'm trying to not spend too much money this year and therefore have less options? Maybe it's because I've really realized this year how pointless material things can be
  • The biggest thing I'm looking forward to about Christmas is my mom's(my dad has made them too) sausage balls! They are a Christmas tradition in my family and they are amazing! (definitely won't help the weight loss though)
  • I'm looking forward to the new year. Not my actual New Year's Eve plans, but to start fresh and have a new take on the year
  • Even though I'm looking forward to the new year, I am NOT looking forward to the birthday that comes with it. I hate my birthday!
Ok, I'll leave you with those for now. On to start this week and hope it goes by quickly. No plans for the week to look forward to so I'm guessing it will go by slowly. Happy Monday!


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