I have a degree in early childhood education, yet for now I am working in a law firm (yes, something I thought I would NEVER EVER do, God laughed at that). I would LOOOOVVEEE to one day be back in the classroom, but right now it is up to God's plan on that one.
I have two precious dogs. Shelby is a sheltie/chow chow mix who is just a loveable teddy bear.
She loves to sleep on her back with her tongue hanging out. Oh, and she also snores like a bear :)
Then there is my baby, Hamilton (Hammie). He is a pure bred sheltie and a drama king!
When I am not busy working I love hanging out with my family, especially my little sister. She and I always have the best time together.
Also in my spare time I love to read, bake, and spend time with my two favorite kids. I used to nanny for the oldest kid (B) and have babysat for both him and his little sister (D) for the past 6 years. That family has become my 2nd family and I am so blessed to have them in my life!
My favorites:
- ANYTHING monogrammed (I recently got a monogrammed ring for my birthday!)
- Polka dots
- Tervis tumblers (I have THREE)
- Ladybugs (thanks Phi Mu :)
- Sweet tea (especially Chick-fil-a's, however, since I am on a huge body makeover, I can't have this right now)
- Cookies (probably over any other dessert)
- Mascara- can't leave home without it!
- Fresh cotton or linen scent
- Pearls and diamonds!!!!
One good thing from yesterday: My sterling silver signet ring came!!!!
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