Ok, so I have recently become obsessed with reading blogs. So after my best friend caved and started her own blog, I thought I might as well jump on the band wagon. I hope that this blog helps fuel some of my frustration, joy, and creativity in life.
I am hoping that this blog will feature many different things. I have a passion for baking that I am sure will end up on here and I hope to be able to express my many thoughts here as well. Like everyone else I have my good days and bad. The last few months I feel like I have had more bad than good. Recently though I hit a big milestone in my eyes, 25 (eeehhhhhh, I feel OLD). Since then I have turned a corner and am starting a new. Life is too short and God has provided too much to have so many bad days. My goal is to try to see the good in EVERY day (there is always a good to every day)!
I have many things coming up. I am on a huge body makeover that so far is going very well! My best friend is getting married in a few months and the first of many fun events takes place this weekend (hopefully pictures to come). Then it's the summer. I have a decision to make over the next couple of months (more on that later), and then late summer my cousin is getting married. I am both looking forward to and am anxious about everything to come.
That is all I have for now. Tomorrow I will try to tell you more about me! Have a fabulous afternoon!
4 weeks ago
Hey just came across a picture of your sheltie chow mix and is a splitting image of our dog. We've been told ours is a sheltie Keeshond mix but noticed her purple spotted tongue. Where did you get her from?
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