I'm trying. Really really trying. My house is decorated. I'm drinking peppermint mocha creamer in my coffee. I have a Christmas themed desktop background on my work computer. I have Christmas music playing on Pandora. There are Mint M&Ms on my counter......but I can't get into the Christmas spirit!
I'm in a major funk. I don't want to do anything. I'm blah and no fun to be around :( I'm not really sure what brought this on. It could be work, could be the stress of Christmas, could be that I have a dreaded birthday coming up (yuck, I hate my birthdays!), who knows?
I usually love Christmas and being able to decorate. Especially since I have a house to decorate my own way this year, but alas, I'm not excited.
I'm in such a mood that I have no appetite (which isn't really such a sad thing, I still have lbs. to lose).
Who knows...... All I do know is that I'm just blah blah and more blah! So just call me the Grinch. Hope everyone else is feeling the Christmas spirit.
4 weeks ago
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