Disclaimer- this is to no one in particular, just venting in general
So I have a major weakness, or flaw, in my personality. Some may disagree and say that it's a good thing the way that I am, but lately I would have to argue that.
My greatest weakness in life is that I am too nice.
I was rasied to follow the Golden Rule ~ "Do unto others as you would have done unto you"
I truely live and breathe by this. I treat others with respect and kindness and never shy away from helping them no matter what it may be. I have a major problem with saying "NO".
However, lately this has been a huge burden on me in that I feel like it is taken advantage of. Just because I will help you does not mean that you should come to me with
EVERYTHING that you need. Yes, in part it is my fault because I don't say no. However, that is another flaw of mine that I know I need to work on. I just have this fear that I will dissapoint someone by saying no, therefore I try to always help.
(Maybe I need some therapy to break this thought process)
I try to be the best at everything I do and therefore others see this and just assume that I will do things better than them. So, instead of sucking it up and doing things themselves, they ask me to help them. Again, this is partly my fault for not being able to say no, but come on people! How are you ever going to learn to do things if you constantly ask me to do them?!?!?!?
I pride myself on the fact that I am a nice person. I try not to be mean or cruel or rude or hateful towards others and am so glad to be who I am and that I was raised the way that I was. I just wish that others could look at things the way that I do and realize that life can't be lived by others doing everything for you.
I'm planning on 2012 to be a different year in many ways (more to come on that in another post), and one of those ways is going to be changing how others treat me and how I want to be treated. Wish me luck on that one!