In my last post I mentioned that the past few years have been somewhat difficult. I've been in a place where I haven't been truly happy. Being how I am, though, I have always tried to put on a happy face and just continue through life. Yet, deep down, I haven't been happy. I am not sure where it stems from, maybe it just built upon itself over the last few years.
This weekend changed all of that. After talking with my good friend Saturday and then just driving down old winding dirt roads with the windows down and music blaring, I realized...I am happy. Deep down, truly happy. Again, I can't pinpoint a reason why, but I just feel calm and at ease and blessed with my life. I feel like I have a purpose and that I am where God wants me to be right now. Sure, there are a few minor details that I wish were a little different (like my hour commute :), but overall, I can say that I am at ease with who I am and where I am.
I am looking forward to what the future holds, and I know that God has some amazing plans for my future and I can't wait to see what they are. Until, I'm going to enjoy the sunshine and driving down my dirt roads :)
4 weeks ago
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