Ok, prepare for rambling....
-Ummmmm, where did this week go? It seems like yesterday I was up half the night because of a horrible storm when reality it was four days ago. Something I always remember my mom saying when I was growing up "The older you get, the faster it goes". That is without a doubt correct. How is it Thursday? How is it already April? How is it that my best friend is getting married in THREE WEEKS!!!!!! It seriously seems like they just got engaged. Wowza.
-The bachelorette party is next weekend. Confession (even though I know the bride reads this), I haven't booked the limo yet :) Ooopppsss. Priority for this weekend-get that darn thing booked!
-Along with not having the limo yet, I still can't find a dress for that night. Having lost 40 something pounds recently has left me wanting a cuter dress than normal. However, I still have many more pounds to lose so I'm wanting something that will accentuate my waist but won't cling to my hips. I know what I would really like, but finding it has been the issue. Also, since it's about a week away, it's too late to order something. I'm sure I'll find something I'll be happy with and either way, as long as my bestie is unbelievably happy that weekend, that's all that will matter :)
-I started a new program to my workout routine. On my iPhone is an app called C25K (couch 2 5k). It is a 9 week program 3X a week that will train you to be able to run a 5K. I have NEVER been a runner, but have really wanted to be. It is the best exercise and I enjoy that peace when I am out on my walks now, so why not try to combine the two. Ha, funny note. I "started" the program yesterday but going the normal route that I walk. Ummm, yeah starting off running up all the hills I normally walk was not the best idea. I had to stop the program halfway, because I couldn't get up the last hill by running. So new game plan. I figured out a new route that is flatter and I will just officially start today.
-My bridesmaid dress came this week and I'm excited that 1)I ordered a smaller size than originally planned to and 2) it fit perfectly and doesn't need to be altered! However, after viewing pictures of myself in it, I realized that I still have a ways to go before I reach my ultimate weight loss/toning goal. My goal in terms of time, is to be where I want to be by my cousins wedding at the end of August. That gives me around 3 1/2 months to get my butt in gear.
Well, enough information overload. I'm looking forward to the last bridal shower this weekend and getting things together for next weekend. It is supposed to be beautiful the next couple of days and sunny days always put a smile on my face!
4 weeks ago
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