I think it is funny how this day in age we have SOOO many pieces of technology that can help us with everday life. I personally have an iPhone, laptop, and Kindle.
Now, I absolute ADORE my iPhone. I honestly don't know what I did without my iPhone. I have to say I would lost without it.
I just got my Kindle for Christmas and I can already tell that it is going to be nice to store all of the hundreds of books that I read a year (I am an avid reader). As excited as I am to not have to carry around lots of books, it is still a little sad and hard to not have actual paper in my hand and pages to turn. Don't get me wrong, I love my Kindle and getting new books on it, but I'll still keep my old paperbacks for old times sake :)
However, although I have these nifty devices that can pretty much do anything, I still find myself writing things down. I LOVE lists. But, my lists must be hand written. I do not find typed lists helpful nor do they give me the satisfaction and accomplishment that I feel when I write a list. I still lug around a planner in my purse and I am always making a list for something. Just this morning I made 5 lists for things I need and food I will serve and the two bridal shower events that I am throwing. There is just not real enjoyment as physically crossing something off of a list. It may be 2011 and we may still have many great technologically advance accomplishments to come, but I'll never give up my lists. How about you? Do you make lists after lists too, or I'm just the odd one out?
Have a wonderful day y'all!
4 weeks ago
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